We support the good fight that 2006 Green Party Candidate Carl Romanelli is taking on. To be kept up with the latest news and information about the Lancaster Green Party, please join our mailing list. Welcome to the website for the Green Party of Lancaster County. We are building a local structure of political influence and governing that is a true alternative to our current two party system in accordance with the State and National Green Parties. If you are interested in running as a Green Party candidate, please contact us... there is a lot of experience and energy in our group to help with the effort. Please contact us or show up at our meetings if you are interested in helping in these efforts. Even if you are very busy, just a small investment of time over a long period of time can make a big difference. You will learn a lot and get to know your community in a way most people will never see. Sincerely, Lancaster County Greens |
Lancaster Green Party © 2010 Dancing Trees Productions | Web Design & hosting donated by www.newmenu.org |